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时间: 2023-10-24 11:50 作者:1141364747 来源:未知 点击:

朱桥燕,女,当代国际书画名家,国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,清华大学美术学院客座教授,中央美术学院客座教授,中外文化友好交流使者,威尼斯双年展特别推荐艺术家,2023 年中国杭州亚运会艺术形象大使,中国非遗传承金牌女艺术家,文化强国首批高级智库专家,全国两会重点推荐艺术家,国家美术师及润格评审委员会艺术顾问等。受联合国教科文组织等邀请参加卢浮宫国际书画艺术联创巡展,荣获特殊荣誉贡献奖。获德艺双馨人民艺术家、中国最具价值品牌艺术家等荣誉。

研学于英国剑桥大学、中国人民大学、中国国家画院等,创作博采众长、中西合璧、富于创新、具备鲜明个人风格,师从中国国家画院卢禹舜院长,深受马蒂斯、阿历克斯·卡茨、范迪安、何家英等影响,创作范围广泛:山水、人物、花鸟、走兽、篆书、隶书等。出版入编《中国高等美术院校名师教学范本朱桥燕专辑》、 《中华国粹朱桥燕专刊》、 《世界名人录》、 《中国美术史》、 《中国美术通史》、《思路问道----卢禹舜、朱桥燕合集画册》 《国际文化----- 当代最具投资价值艺术名家朱桥燕专刊》、《中国非遗传承人年鉴》等几十余部。作品被中国国家博物馆、中国美术馆、人民大会堂及多国大使馆、国际艺术机构等珍惜收藏。

Zhu Qiaoyan(Johanna), female,a contemporary international calligrapher and painting master, a national first-class artist, a member of the Chinese fine artists association, a visiting professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, a visiting professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a Chinese-foreign cultural friendship exchange envoy, Specifically recommended artist of The Venice biennial exhibition ,the art ambassador of the 2023 Asian Games in Hangzhou ,China.A Chinese intangible cultural gold medal female artist, the first batch of senior think tank experts in a culturally powerful Art consultant of Runge Review Committee, etc.Invited by UNESCO and others to participate in the tour exhibition of the Louvre International Federation of Calligraphy and Painting and Art, and won the Special Honorary Contribution Award. He won the honors of Deyi Shuangxin People's Artist and China's Most Valuable Brand Artist.

She studied at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Renmin University of China, the National Academy of Painting of China, etc. She draws on her strengths, combines Chinese and Western, is innovative and has a distinct personal style. She studied under the dean Lu Yushun of the National Academy of Painting of China. She is deeply influenced by Matisse, Alex Katz, Van Dean, He Jiaying, etc. She has a wide range of creations: landscapes, characters, flowers and birds, beasts, seal scripts, official scripts, etc. She has published and compiled dozens of books, such as Zhu Qiaoyan's Album of Famous Teachers in China's Colleges and Universities of Fine Arts, Zhu Qiaoyan's Special Issue of the Chinese Essence, Who's Who in the World, History of Chinese Art, General History of Chinese Fine Arts, Zhu Qiaoyan, Paintings album of Lu Yushun&Zhu Qiaoyan. International Culture - Contemporary Most Investment worthy Art Master, Yearbook of China's Non-genetic Inheritors, etc. The works are cherished and collected by the National Museum of China, the Chinese Art Museum, the Great Hall of the People, embassies and international art institutions in many countries.








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